NAV Navbar
Javascript iOS PHP Node Android
  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Token API - Client side
  • Token API - Server side
  • Request objects
  • Request API
  • User Data API
  • User Management API
  • Contribute
  • Introduction

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 helps you to onboard your users with a suite of services easy to use.


    Download the SDK

    npm install oauthio
    You can use CocoaPods to install in your iOS project
    Download the android library:
    or clone it from github:
    git clone
    and import the oauthio folder into your project folder as a module.
    If you are not using Android Studio, you need to add this persmission into your `AndroidManifest.xml` file:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    # add this line to your Podfile:
    pod ''
    # run this command in your project directory
    $ pod install
    You can also install the framework manually. To do so, please follow the following steps: 
    The framework is available in []( as the Dist/OAuthiOS.framework file. To add it as a dependency in your projet in XCode, follow this procedure:
    - click on the project name in the Documents explorer
    go to Build phases
    - open the Link Binary with Libraries section
    - click on the + button
    - click on Add other...
    - Select the OAuthiOS.framework
    - Click on Add
    You can use Composer to install the SDK in your PHP project.
    # Add this line to require object of your composer.json file:
    "oauth-io/oauth": "0.3.0"
    # Run this command in your folder directory
    $ composer update
    #For Web app
    bower install
    #Or for mobile app (using Phonegap)
    phonegap plugin install

    To ease your integration, SDKs are available in lots of language:

    Install the SDK

    var OAuth = require('oauthio');
    // Initialize the SDK
    OAuth.initialize('Your-public-key', 'Your-secret-key');
    <script src="path/to/oauth.js"></script>

    To install the SDK, you just need to load it in your source code.

    // Initialize the SDK
    You need to create a class implementing the OAuthIODelegate. This delegate needs you to add the following methods:
    - "didReceiveOAuthIOResponse": called when a popup call is successful
    - "didFailWithOAuthIOError": called when a popup call is not successful
    - "didAuthenticateServerSide": when using the server-side mode, called on a successful authentication
    - "didFailAuthenticationServerSide": when using the server-side mode, called on an unsuccessful authentication
    // Then in the class implementing OAuthIODelegate, you can initialize the SDK
    // Initialize the SDK
    _oauthioModal = [[OAuthIOModal alloc] initWithKey:@"Your-public-key" delegate:self];
    use OAuth_io\OAuth;
    $oauth = new OAuth();
    // Initialize the SDK
    $oauth->initialize('Your-public-key', 'Your-secret-key');
    import io.oauth.OAuth;
    oauth = new OAuth(getActivity());
    // Initialize the SDK

    When you create an application in your dashboard, a pair of public key, private key is generated. You will need this pair to initialize the SDK later on.

    Token API - Client side

    The Token API lets you authorize your app on behalf of your users on one of our 120+ API providers. The best known example is to add a Facebook connect to your website to ease the user's onboarding.

    You can perform this authorization either client-side or server-side, depending your needs.

    The Client side section is not available for this SDK


    To authorize your app using, you just need to add a provider to your app, copy/paste your provider's API Keys (usually client_id and client_secret), and specify a permission scope. Then, you can directly try a connection to the provider, by clicking on the Try auth button.

    Authorize with a popup

    //Example with Facebook
    OAuth.popup('facebook').done(function(facebook) {
      //make API calls with `facebook`
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo when the OAuth flow failed
    //Example with Twitter with the cache option enabled
    OAuth.popup('twitter', {cache: true}).done(function(twitter) {
      //make API calls with `twitter`
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo when the OAuth flow failed
    In the OAuthIODelegate class, you can call the showWithProvider method, which shows a popup.
    //Example with Twitter with no cache options
    [_oauthioModal showWithProvider:@"twitter"];
    //On success, the didReceiveOAuthIOResponde delegate method is called:
    - (void)didReceiveOAuthIOResponse:(OAuthIORequest *)request
        // Here you can use the request object to make requests directly
        // or store it for later use (e.g. when a button is pressed)
        _request_object = request;
    oauth.popup("facebook", new OAuthCallback() {
        public void onFinished(OAuthData data) {
            if (data.status.equals("error"))
            else {
                // Do API calls with data

    This mode asks the user's authorization in a simple popup. This gives you a request object, which allows you to perform API calls, or to retrieve the credentials (i.e. access or oauth tokens).

    You can send multiple options to customize it.

    Options Description Type Default value
    cache If set to true, when the popup is called, the SDK will directly return the cached credentials (if available) through a "request object" instead of showing a popup everytime the user logs in. That is to say, once the user has seen the popup on his browser, his credentials are kept in the local storage. boolean false
    authorize Some OAuth providers let developers send parameters to customize the authorization popup Object null

    Authorize with redirection

    //Example with Google
    OAuth.redirect('google', 'http://localhost/callback');
    //in your callback page (can be the same page)
    OAuth.callback('google').done(function(google) {
      //make API calls with `google`
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo when the OAuth flow failed

    Redirects to the provider's login page, where the user can accept your app's permissions. Once he/she accepts them, he/she is redirected to the callback URL.

    Caching the request object

    Client-side SDKs allow you to cache the credentials (i.e. access tokens) to not have to show the popup everytime you need the access token.

    //Example with Twitter with the cache option enabled
    OAuth.popup('twitter', {cache: true}).done(function(twitter) {
      //make API calls with `twitter`
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo when the OAuth flow failed
    //Example with Twitter with the cache option enabled
    NSMutableDictionary *options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [options setObject:@"true" forKey:@"cache"];
    [options setObject:@"true" forKey:@"clear-popup-cache"]; // prevents the webview from keeping cookies
    [_oauthioModal showWithProvider:@"twitter" options:options];

    Save your user's authorization in the cache

    If the cache option is enabled, when the popup is called, it will directly create a request object from the cached credentials (if available) instead of showing a popup everytime the user logs in. That is to say, once the user has seen the popup once, his credentials are kept in the browser local storage for Javascript/Phonegap SDK and in the mobile with iOS and Android.

    var twitter = OAuth.create('twitter');
    //`twitter` is a request object.
    //`twitter` can be `null` if the request object has not been created yet.
    var twitter = OAuth.create('twitter');
    //`twitter` is a request object.
    //`twitter` can be `null` if the request object has not been created yet.

    Creating a request object from Cache

    Once credentials have been cached, you can re-create the request object from them (later or in another page for instance).

    Note that you can also create a request object from existing credentials if needed.

    Clearing the cache

    //clear the cache for all providers
    [oauthioModal clearCache];
    //clear the cache for facebook
    [oauthioModal clearCacheForProvider:@"facebook"];
    //clears the cache for Facebook
    //removes cache for all providers

    You can of course partially or totally remove the cache generated by Note that it can be used when you want to logout your users to be sure it will open the popup the next time they try to login.

    Token API - Server side

    The server side authorization is mostly used to get a refresh token and perform actions on behalf of your user when they are not online and connected on your website / app (for instance, crawl your user's feed and update it everyday even if the user is not connected).


    In the same way as for the client-side authorization, you need to add a provider to your app and copy paste your provider's API keys. But this time, you have to select a backend in your app. This way, only server side authorization will be allowed.

    You can also set the both mode to get a copy of the access_token client side too (and use all of the results method).

    Simple server-side authorization

    // Syntax
    app.get(authorizeEndpoint, OAuth.auth(provider, urlToRedirect));
    app.get(redirectEndpoint, OAuth.redirect(function(result, req, res) {
        //todo with result
    // Example with Linkedin
    app.get('/signin', OAuth.auth('linkedin', 'http://localhost:8080/oauth/redirect'));
    app.get('/oauth/redirect', OAuth.redirect(function(result, req, res) {
        if (result instanceof Error) {
            res.send(500, "error: " + result.message);
        } {
            res.send(200, JSON.stringify(me));
    //in the Authorize endpoint
    $oauth->redirect(provider, urlToRedirect);
    //in the Redirect endpoint
    $oauth->auth(provider, array('redirect' => true));
    // Exemple with Google (using ZendFramwork, Controller /oauth) // Action /signin (url: /oauth/authorize) public function signinAction() { try { $this->oauth->redirect('google', '/oauth/redirect'); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } // Action /redirect (url: /oauth/redirect) public function redirectAction() { try { $request_object = $this->oauth->auth('google', array( 'redirect' => true )); } catch (\Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } //Your user is authorized by Google //You can use $request_object to make API calls on behalf of your user }
    <!-- In your html --> <a href="/oauth/signin"></a>
    This feature is not supported by this SDK

    This method is the simplest way to achieve a server-side authorization.

    You need to define 2 endpoints:

    In the HTML of your webapp, you just have to create a link to the first endpoint to start the authorization flow <a href="/url/to/authorizeEndpoint">Signin</a>

    If an error occured, the error is placed in the result.

    Authorizing the user with both front-end and back-end SDKs

    This method is a bit longer than the redirect one but can be used by any backend. This can be done in 3 steps:

    var token = OAuth.generateStateToken(req);
    res.send(200, {token:token});
    // Example with Zend - /state action, called from the frontend
    // to get a code
    public function tokenAction() {
        // This generates a token and stores it in the session
        $token = $this->oauth->generateStateToken();
        $array = array(
            'token' => $token
        $json = new JsonModel($array);
        return $json;

    //Javascript (client-side)
    OAuth.popup(provider, {
      state: params.token
    }).done(function(result) {
      $.post('/auth', {code: result.code})

    app.get('/auth', function(req, res) {
      OAuth.auth(provider, req.session, {
        code: JSON.parse(req.body).code
      }).then(function(oauthResult) {
        //todo with oauthResult
        //oauthResult.access_token oauthResult.refresh_token

    // PHP with Zend - endpoint on /auth
    public function authAction() {
        try {
            $code = $this->getRequest()->getPost('code');
            $request_object = $this->oauth->auth('facebook', array(
                'code' => $code
            $credentials = $request_object->getCredentials();
            $json = new JsonModel(array('status' => 'success'));
            if (!isset($credentials['access_token']) && !isset($credentials['oauth_token'])) {
            return $json;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();

    Request object from session

    This feature is not supported by this SDK
    OAuth.auth('facebook', req.session)
      .then(function (request_object) {
        // call endpoints with request_object here, or save it for later use
    // Uses the $_SESSION array by default
    $request_object = $this->oauth->auth('facebook');
    // Note that you can specify another session array at initialization, for example:
    $_SESSION['some_array'] = array();
    // Beware, the array is passed by reference, so you need to have a real grasp on the stored array

    Once a user has been authorized by a provider, he is stored in session by the SDK. This means you can recreate the request object from the session. If the request object has an expires_in field and the access token has expired, the SDK will automatically refresh the access_token.

    Building a request object from saved credentials

    // Retrieve the credentials and save them
    $credentials = $old_request_object->getCredentials();
    // Later use these credentials to rebuild the request_object object
    $new_request_object = $oauth->auth('twitter', array(
      'credentials' => $credentials
    // Retrieve the credentials and save them
    var credentials = request_object.getCredentials();
    // Later use these credentials to rebuild the request_object object
    request_object = oauth.auth('twitter', {
      credentials: credentials
    Not available for this SDK

    For back end SDKs you can to rebuild the request object after having saved the credentials (set of access token, refresh tokens, etc.) manually.

    Refreshing the tokens

    # Using a backend
      token: REFRESH_TOKEN
      secret: SECRET_OAUTHIO_KEY
    OAuth.refreshCredentials(oauthResult, req.session)
        .then(function(newOAuthResult) {
          //todo with newOAuthResult
        .fail(function(e) {
          //handle an error
    //or from session
    OAuth.auth('facebook', req.session, {
      force_refresh: true
        // The auth method automatically refreshes the tokens if needed
        $request_object = $oauth->auth('facebook', array(
          'credentials' => $credentials

    For most providers, the server side authorization sends back a refresh token without any specific configuration. The refresh token is added to the result on a server-side authorization only.

    This refresh token can be used when an access token expires to regenerate one without having to open a popup and ask your user for permissions (as the user has already accepted them).

    In all our server-side SDK, a method is available to manually refresh the access token. It gives back a new request object containing a fresh access token.

    For the Google provider, it's a bit more complex. To get a refresh token, please follow this Stackoverflow link:

    Request objects

    with Facebook (OAuth 2)
      "access_token": "CAAHv0hYN...RmO4zcd",
      "expires_in": 5183561,
      "provider": "facebook"
    with Twitter (OAuth 1.0a)
      "oauth_token": "9568514...0AQMedh",
      "oauth_token_secret": "Ktakg008...60KSNG4",
      "provider": "twitter"
    with Google using the server side flow with a frontend SDK
      "code": "XsrpW...leE3",
      "provider": "google"
    with Github using the server side flow in a backend SDK
      "provider": "github",
      "access_token": "akpWg0...QEof",
      "refresh_token": "HvOiruf...Zriv",
      "expires_in": 5183561

    We call request object the result object you get after an authorization. It lets you access the tokens, expiry date etc. but also gives you simple methods to access others API (Make authorized API call to the provider, retrieve unified user data, and more). The request object will contains these fields:

    Field Description Type Example value
    access_token OAuth 2 -- The authorization key to access the OAuth2 API string CAAHv...aAWy
    oauth_token OAuth 1 -- The authorization key to access the OAuth1 API string XVQpX...WR0K
    oauth_token_secret OAuth 1 -- The second authorization key to access OAuth1 API string PHQD2...V7xw
    expires_in Optional depending the provider -- The expiration of the access_token integer 5184000
    code Client side only -- The code to be exchanged against the access token server side authorization string XsrpW...leE3
    refresh_token Server side only -- The refresh token is used to refresh the access_token to extend the expiration. string Tgfgso
    provider The provider your user is connected with string facebook

    The access token can be sent to your backend to make API calls but, you can't be sure that the access token is a real one (as the user could fake a request with a wrong access token) so you need to make a test API call and see if it returns 200 (OK) or 401 (UNAUTHORIZED).

    As you can see, using the client side authorization, you won't have a refresh_token. For this, please take a look at the Server side authorization section.

    Request API

    OAuth.auth(provider, req.session).then(function(oauthResult) {
      return oauthResult.get('/me')
    }).then(function(data) {
      //data is the result of the request to /me
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //handle an error
        $me = $request_object->get('/me');
    OAuth.popup(provider).then(function(oauthResult) {
      return oauthResult.get('/me');
    }).then(function(data) {
      // data is the result of the request to /me
    }).fail(function(err) {
      // handle an error
    // In a 
    - (void)didReceiveOAuthIOResponse:(OAuthIORequest *)request
        // The request object
        _request_object = request;
        // Making a request
        [_request_object get:@"/me" success:^(NSDictionary *output, NSString *body, NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse)
            // logs the the user's information
            NSLog(@"%@", body); 
    data.http("/me", new OAuthRequest() {
        public void onSetURL(String _url) {
            // This method is called once the final url is returned.
        public void onSetHeader(String header, String value) {
            // This method is called for each header to add to the request.
        public void onReady() {
            // This method is called once url and headers are set.
        public void onError(String message) {
            // This method is called if an error occured

    The Request API allows you to easily perform authorized API calls to the OAuth provider from which you got a request object or credentials with the Token API. You can perform classic HTTP calls using GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH. will automatically fill all authorization parameters for you (OAuth1 signature, nonce, timestamp, access_token, oauth_token etc...). All the parameters in the request will be sent to the provider thanks to the proxy.

    data.http(new OAuthJSONRequest(OAuthJSONRequest.HTTP_GET, "/me"), new OAuthJSONCallback() {
        public void onFinished(JSONObject data) {
          // data is the result of the request to /me
        public void onError(String message) {
          // handle an error


    oauthResult.get(url).then(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    oauthResult.get(url).done(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    $me = $request_object->get('/me');
    // Making a request
    [_request_object get:@"/me" success:^(NSDictionary *output, NSString *body, NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse)
        // logs the the user's information
        NSLog(@"%@", body); 
    // See http method

    Allows you to perform GET request to an API endpoint

    Argument Description Type Example value
    url The URL of the endpoint, it can be an absolute URL or just the endpoint (after the domain) as for most provider, the domain is already known string /api/endpoint?param=value

    POST, params).done(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    // params has the same syntaxe as jQuery.ajax (
    //e.g Post a tweet on Twitter'/1.1/statuses/update.json', {
      data: {
        status: "hello world!"
    }), params).done(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    //e.g Post a tweet on Twitter'/1.1/statuses/update.json', {
      status: "hello world!"
    $request_object->post('/me/feed', array(
      'message' => 'Hello world'
    NSMutableDictionary *data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [data setValue:@"Hello world" forKey:@"message"];
    [_request post:@"/me/feed" withParams:data success:^(NSDictionary *output, NSString *body, NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse)
        NSLog(@"%@", body);
    // See http method

    Allows you to perform POST request to an API endpoint

    Argument Description Type Example value
    url The URL of the endpoint, it can be an absolute URL or just the endpoint (after the domain) as for most provider, the domain is already known string /api/endpoint
    params The parameters of the HTTP request Object


    oauthResult.put(url, params).done(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    //e.g Merge a pull request on Github
    oauthResult.put(url, params).done(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    //e.g Merge a pull request on Github
    $request_object->put('/some/endpoint', array(
      'name' => 'My updated name'
    NSMutableDictionary *data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [data setValue:@"My updated name" forKey:@"message"];
    [_request put:@"/some/endpoint" withParams:data success:^(NSDictionary *output, NSString *body, NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse)
        NSLog(@"%@", body);
    // See http method

    Allows you to perform PUT request to an API endpoint

    Argument Description Type Example value
    url The URL of the endpoint, it can be an absolute URL or just the endpoint (after the domain) as for most provider, the domain is already known string /api/endpoint
    params The parameters of the HTTP request Object


    oauthResult.del(url).then(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    //e.g Delete a status on Facebook
    [_request del:@"/some/endpoint/someid" success:^(NSDictionary *output, NSString *body, NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse)
        NSLog(@"%@", body);
    // See http method

    Allows you to perform DELETE request to an API endpoint

    Argument Description Type Example value
    url The URL of the endpoint, it can be an absolute URL or just the endpoint (after the domain) as for most provider, the domain is already known string /api/endpoint


    oauthResult.patch(url, params).done(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    // params has the same syntaxe as jQuery.ajax (
    //e.g Edit a Gist on Github
    oauthResult.patch('/gists/1', {
      data: {
        "description": "the description for this gist",
        "files": {
          "file1.txt": {
            "content": "updated file contents"
          "new_file.txt": {
            "content": "a new file"
    oauthResult.put(url, params).done(function(data) {
      //todo with data
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo with err
    //e.g Merge a pull request on Github
    oauthResult.patch('/gists/1', {
      "description": "the description for this gist",
      "files": {
        "file1.txt": {
          "content": "updated file contents"
        "new_file.txt": {
          "content": "a new file"
    $request_object->patch('/some/endpoint', array(
      'name' => 'My updated name'
    NSMutableDictionary *data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [data setValue:@"My updated name" forKey:@"message"];
    [_request patch:@"/some/endpoint" withParams:data success:^(NSDictionary *output, NSString *body, NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse)
        NSLog(@"%@", body);
    // See http method

    Allows you to perform PATCH request to an API endpoint

    Argument Description Type Example value
    url The URL of the endpoint, it can be an absolute URL or just the endpoint (after the domain) as for most provider, the domain is already known string /api/endpoint
    params The parameters of the HTTP request Object


    #Example with twitter on /1.1/account/verify_credentials.json
    GET /request/twitter/%2F1.1%2Faccount%2Fverify_credentials.json HTTP/1.1
    oauthio: k=OAUTHIO_PUBLIC_KEY&oauthv=1&oauth_token=TWITTER_PUBLIC_TOKEN&oauth_token_secret=TWITTER_SECRET_TOKEN
    Referer: https://whitelisted_domain_in_oauthio/


    Field Description
    provider The provider's name (e.g. "facebook")
    url The api request's url, can be relative to the main api domain (e.g or absolute. This url must be urlencoded.

    You must include the oauthio HTTP header inside your request, which is a application/x-www-form-urlencoded hash containing:

    Field Description
    k The public key of your app. If the http header Origin or Referer is set, this will be checked against your app's whitelist. If none are present, you must accept the "localhost" domain in your OAuthio's app.
    oauth_token OAuth1 public token.
    oauth_secret_token OAuth1 secret token.
    access_token OAuth2 token.
    oauthv (optional) when a provider supports both OAuth1 and OAuth2, this can be set to "1" or "2" to desambiguate the version of OAuth to use.

    User Data API


    res = OAuth.create('facebook'); {
      alert('Hello ' +;
    }).fail(function(err) {
      //todo when the OAuth flow failed
    oauth.popup("facebook", new OAuthCallback() {
        public void onFinished(OAuthData data) {
            if (data.status.equals("error"))
            else {
       OAuthJSONCallback() {
                    public void onFinished(JSONObject me) {
                    public void onError(String message) {

    This API allows you to retrieve your user's data in a unified way. This means you don't have to make a bridge between APIs to retrieve user's info, all fields sent are unified and described here. Filters can be added to retrieve a subset of these unified fields.

    The endpoint is accessible using REST



      "id": "1234",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "firstname": "John",
      "lastname": "Doe",
      "alias": "john87",
      "email": "",
      "birthdate": {
        "day": 27,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 1987
      "raw": {
        [RAW RESULT]
    Field Description Type Example value
    id The user id -- This id is unique for a provider string "1234"
    name The user's name string John Doe
    firstname The user's firstname string John
    lastname The user's lastname string Doe
    alias The user's alias (or login) string john87
    email The user's email address string
    birthdate The user's birthday Object {day: 27, month: 11, year: 1987}
    gender The user's gender. 0: male; 1: female integer 0
    location The user's last location string San Francisco
    local The user's local string FR
    company The user's company string Webshell
    occupation The user's job occupation string developer
    raw The unmodified provider's response with non unified field Object

    User Management API


    You need to click 'Enable the User Management' button in your dashboard in the Users Overview tab.

    users = new OAuthUsers(oauth);
    User.signup(data).done(function(user) {
        //todo with `user`
       email: '',
       password: 'St0ngP4ssw0rd!',
       firstname: 'John',
       lastname: 'Doe',
       company: 'X Corp',
       age: 47
    }).done(function(user) {
       //here, your user is logged in
    }).fail(function(err) {
       //todo with `err`
    Hashtableinfos = new Hashtable<>();
    infos.put("firstname", "John");
    infos.put("lastname", "Doe");
    infos.put("email", "");
    infos.put("password", "St0ngP4ssw0rd!");
    // ...
    users.signup(infos, new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // receive your identity
            OAuthUser id = users.getIdentity();
        public void onError(String message) {

    With email/password

    You can sign up your users using their email/password.

    data is an object that must contains:

    You can add other pieces of data if you wish (the structure is free).

    OAuth.popup(provider).then(function(res) {
        return User.signup(res)
    }).done(function(user) {
       //here, your user is logged in
    }).fail(function(err) {
       //todo with err

    // Callback from oauth.popup
    public void onFinished(OAuthData data) {
        if (data.status.equals("error"))
        else {
            users.signup(data, new OAuthUserCallback() {
                public void onFinished() {
                    // receive your identity
                    OAuthUser id = users.getIdentity();
                public void onError(String message) {

    With social logins

    You can also use the Token API to sign up your users with their social identity. provider is the name of a provider on as facebook, twitter, google and 100+ others.

    The provider needs to have the User API enabled to work properly (you can see it when you add a new provider in your Dashbaord).

    OAuth.popup('twitter').then(function(twitter) { = "";
        return User.signup(twitter);
    }).done(function(user) {
        //todo with user
    // Callback from oauth.popup
    public void onFinished(OAuthData data) {
      if (data.status.equals("error"))
      else {
        Hashtable infos = new Hashtable<>();
        infos.put("email", "");
        // ...
        users.signup(data, infos, new OAuthUserCallback() {
          public void onFinished() {
              // receive your identity
              OAuthUser id = users.getIdentity();
          public void onError(String message) {

    Handling errors

    Some providers don't give their user's email in their API (it's the case of Twitter for instance). So, you have to ask your user for their email manually and setup the email.

    Signin your users

    Once your user has signed up, you can log them in with their email password or with one of the social identity the user attached to their account. manages your user's session for you and gives a simple API to let you know if the user is still logged in or not.

    In this version, the session expires after 6 hours of inactivity but we are working on making this expiration configurable.

    User.signin(email, password).done(function(user) {
    }).fail(function(err) {
        // email/password incorrect.
    users.signin(email, password, new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // receive your identity
            OAuthUser id = users.getIdentity();
        public void onError(String message) {

    With email/password

    OAuth.popup(provider).then(function(res) {
        return User.signin(res);
    }).done(function(user) {
    }).fail(function(err) {
        //todo with err
    // Callback from oauth.popup
    public void onFinished(OAuthData data) {
        if (data.status.equals("error"))
            users.signin(data, new OAuthUserCallback() {
                public void onFinished() {
                    // receive your identity
                    OAuthUser id = users.getIdentity();
                public void onError(String message) {

    With social logins

    Note: For social logins, the signin and signup steps are exactly the same feature. If the user doesn't exist, it will automatically sign them up before signing them in.

    Get the connected user

    var user = User.getIdentity();
    OAuthUser id = users.getIdentity();

    From cache

    When a user logs in, we store their identity (information, providers linked etc.) in a cookie. You can access this cached version instantly using the SDK with User.getIdentity().

    It returns the same data structure as the API version: User.refreshIdentity().

    User.refreshIdentity().done(function(user) {
        //todo with user
    OAuthUser user;
    // ...
    user.refreshIdentity(new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // user data updated
        public void onError(String message) {

    From the API

    Retrieve the latest change done to your user.

    Know if the user is authenticated

    if (User.isLogged()) {
        //todo with authenticated user
    else {
        //todo with unauthenticated user
    if (users.isLogged()) {
        //todo with authenticated user
    else {
        //todo with unauthenticated user

    This method will check if the authorization cookie has been detected in the user's browser. It returns true or false

    Update your user data

    var user = User.getIdentity() = 'Thomas'; = {
        a: 42,
        b: "some string"
    } {
        //todo when saved
    }).fail(function(err) {
        //handle `err``
    OAuthUser user = users.getIdentity();"firstname", "Thomas");"someData", "some string");
    user.saveIdentity(new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // user data saved
        public void onError(String message) {

    You can update all your user's data. Once you are done, just use the save() method to save your changes. Fields are freely structurable so you can name them as you wish (just a few fields name are protected for our use: _provider_*).

    Reset password (or lost password)

    User.resetPassword(email).done(function() {
        //email sent to the user containing a key
    User.confirmResetPassword(newPassword, key);
    users.resetPassword(email, new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // reset email sent
        public void onError(String message) {

    The reset flow is used when a user tries to login and can't remember their password. It will send an email to the user with a key (to check their identity using their email). If the user is able to input the code on another page, they can change their password using this key.

    Change password

    Coming soon

    This feature is not released yet but will be used to change the password of the user (this option is often in the setting page of an account). The user can use it if they knows their current password to confirm their identity.

    var user = User.getIdentity();
    user.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword);

    Attach social identity to an account

    var user = User.getIdentity();
    OAuth.popup('google').then(function(google) {
       return user.addProvider(google);
    }).done(function() {
       //provider attached
       //Your user is now able to signin with Google
    // Callback from oauth.popup
    public void onFinished(OAuthData data) {
        if (data.status.equals("error"))
        else {
            OAuthUser user = users.getIdentity();
            user.addProvider(data.provider, new OAuthUserCallback() {
                public void onFinished() {
                    // provider attached
                    // Your user is now able to signin with data.provider
                public void onError(String message) {

    You can attach a social identity to an account easily. That means at the next signin, they will be able to signin with another configured provider. This way a user can securely connect with more than one provider.

    Remove social identity to an account

    var user = User.getIdentity();
    user.removeProvider('google').done(function() {
       //provider detached
    OAuthUser user = users.getIdentity();
    user.removeProvider("google", new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // provider detached from google
        public void onError(String message) {

    A user can detach a social identity from their account. Once a provider is detached, the user won't be able to login with it again, they needs to re-attach it again to be able to login with it.

    The list of providers attached to an account

    var user = User.getIdentity();
    OAuthUser user = users.getIdentity();
    // providers list is available in user.providers

    From cache

    When a user logs in, we store a local version of the providers list attached to their account so you can access it directly in the user object.

    var user = User.getIdentity();
    user.getProviders().done(function(providers) {
    OAuthUser user;
    // ...
    user.getProviders(new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // providers list is available in user.providers
        public void onError(String message) {

    From the API

    You can also get this list from the API to be sure it's synchronized with the backend.


    var user = User.getIdentity();
    user.logout().done(function() {
       //todo when logout
    OAuthUser user = users.getIdentity();
    user.logout(new OAuthUserCallback() {
        public void onFinished() {
            // user is logout and their token is expired
        public void onError(String message) {

    You can log your user out from your application using the logout() method. It will clear the session and the associated cache.


    You can contribute by cloning our oauthd repository, or any of our SDK's repositories on GitHub (please check this repository list) and making a pull request.


    If you have any issue using, you can:

    We try to be as reactive as possible on every channel, according to the support questions load, and to the chosen plan (paying customers have the priority on support).

    Adding Providers to

    You can easily add new OAuth providers in by using our configuration file format.

    The format is explained here and you can find all the existing OAuth providers on our GitHub repository.

    Once you've implemented your provider, you can test it using oauthd, the opensource version of and then, just make a pull request and we'll merge it into as soon as we can.

    A provider contains 4 simple files:

    Pull request (bug fixes / providers / typos)

    You're welcome to fork our repositories on GitHub to make pull requests. We'll review each of them, and integrate all the relevant changes in a future release.

    In every repository, we have included notes in the file to show you how to test your feature.


    Fork the repository to implement your feature / bug fixes.

    You can use npm link to use the oauthd command anywhere in your console, and create test instances. is an oauthd instance, so if you find and fix bugs in oauthd, the changes will also be on


    You can fork all the SDKs from GitHub in your favorite language. Every SDK (except iOS for the moment) has a test suite than can be launched in a standard way to try your feature / bug fixes.


    You can fork all the documentation from GitHub. The content is in the source folder. The main file is